Welcome to the JLDC Performance video/photo page


Daedalus Media is very excited to be working with JLDC on the production of your 2022 Spring Recital. Please view below to purchase your performance videos and action photos.


Each video purchase is show specific, and provides access to view your show, which is not shareable with any other party, and you will also receive a digital download link of your show once completed, approximately 14 days after the show. You may purchase multiple shows. You may also purchase a Blu-Ray ,or UJSB of the performance in addition to the online access, for a small fee. Show videos will be available to be viewed approximately 2 weeks after show time. Cost per show is $45 , and the last day for show sales will be on June 13 , so be sure to purchase before the deadline. Click the VIDEO PURCHASE button below to purchase.

Action photos of the shows will be available for purchase immediately following the shows. They will be arranged by show and by dance to make it easy for you to find your dancers. You may buy individual photos or entire numbers…with discounts for multiple number purchases. Click the PHOTO PURCHASE button below to view and purchase these action photos.


Thank you for allowing us to capture these special moments in your dancer’s life…and we hope you enjoy the show!